Volume 5 | Issue 2 | 2015
Editors’ Introduction
Editors of the BRE
Exploring the Educational Implications of the Third Space Framework for Transnational Asian Adoptees
Matthew A. Witenstein & L. Erika Saito
Inter-District School Choice: Transfer Policy and Practice in a Fragmented Metropolitan Region
Helen Ganski
Homonormativity, Charternormativity, and Processes of Legitimation: Exploring the Affective-Spatio-Temporal-Fixed Dimensions of Marriage Equality and Charter Schools
Mark Stern
Call for Conversations
Further Notes on Teaching in the Time of #Ferguson
Edwin Mayorga
T train
Imrul Mazid
Anything But American
Beyond Police Violence: A Conversation on Antiblackness, #BlackLivesMatter, #WeChargeGenocide,and the Challenge to Educators
Connie Wun & Damien Sojoyner
maisha quint
There are No Toys in Jail
Jennifer Bradley
Volume 5 | Issue 1 | 2014
Editors’ Introduction
Editors of the BRE
Black High School Students’ Critical Racial Awareness, School-Based Racial Socialization, and Academic Resilience
Daren Graves
Assessment Tools to Differentiate Between Language Differences and Disorders in English Language Learners
Sunaina Shenoy
Disproportionality Fills in the Gaps: Connections Between Achievement, Discipline and Special Education in the School-to-Prison Pipeline
Subini Annamma, Deb Morrison, Darrell Jackson
A feminist perspective on the school-to-labor pipeline
Kirsten Hextrum
Volume 4 | Issue 2 | 2014
Editors’ Introduction
Editors of the BRE
Lived-in Room: Classroom Space as Teacher
Houman Harouni
Theorizing Food Sharing Practices in a Junior High Classroom
Mary Rice
History Through First-Year Secondary School Spanish Textbooks: A Content Analysis
Sam Holley-Kline
Black Radicals Make for Bad Citizens: Undoing the Myth of the School to Prison Pipeline
Damien M. Sojoyner
Creating High Leverage Policies: A New Framework to Support Policy Development
Casey D. Cobb, Morgaen L. Donaldson, and Anysia P. Mayer
Loving Whiteness to Death: Sadomasochism, Emotionality, and the Possibility of Humanizing Love
Cheryl E. Matias and Ricky Lee Allen
Editors’ Introduction
Editors of the BRE
Schooling in American Sign Language: A Paradigm Shift from a Deficit Model to a Bilingual Model in Deaf Education
Tom Humphries
Adolescents as Readers of Social Studies: Examining the Relationship Between Youth’s Everyday and Social Studies Literacies and Learning
Darin B.Stockdill and Elizabeth B.Moje
I Always Knew I Was Gifted: Latino Males and the Mestiz@ Theory of Intelligences (MTI)
Juan Fernando Carrillo
When Claiming to Teach for Social Justice is Not Enough: Majoritarian Stories of Race, Difference, and Meritocracy
Kara Mitchell Viesca, Aubrey Scheopner Torres, Joan Barnatt, and Peter Piazza
New Orleans Education Reform: A Guide for Cities or a Warning for Communities? (Grassroots Lessons Learned, 2005-2012)
Kristen L. Buras and Members of Urban South Grassroots Research Collective
Governance through concepts: The OECD and the Construction of “Competence” in Norwegian Education Policy
Sølvi Mausethagen
Volume 3 | Issue 1 | 2012
Editors’ Introduction
Editors of the BRE
Reflections on “Bad Teachers”
Kumashiro, Kevin
Educational Opportunity and Contentious Politics: The 2011 Chilean Student Movement
Salinas, Daniel; Fraser, Pablo
Promote Democratic Citizenship among Rural Women: A Chinese NGO’s Two Models
Zhao, Xu; Haste, Helen
Connecting Transnationalism to the Classroom and to Theories of Immigrant Student Adaptation
Sanchez, Patricia; Kasun, G. Sue
Volume 2 | Issue 2 | 2011
Editors’ Introduction
Editors of the BRE
Artifactual Critical Literacy: A New Perspective for Literacy Education
Kate H. Pahl, Jennifer Rowsell
Is Choice a Panacea? An Analysis of Black Secondary Student Attrition from KIPP, Other Private Charters, and Urban Districts
Julian Vasquez Heilig, Amy Williams, Linda McSpadden McNeil, Christopher Lee
The “West” in Literacy
Usree Bhattacharya
Volume 2 | Issue 1 | 2011 ― Special Issue: The State of Public Education
Editors’ Introduction
Editors of the BRE
Section 1: Central Issues in U.S. Public Education
The Politics of School Reform: A Broader and Bolder Approach for Newark
Pedro A. Noguera and Lauren Wells
The Militarization and the Privatization of Public Schools
Brian Galaviz, Jesus Palafox, Erica R. Meiners, and Therese Quinn
White Kids: Identity Construction, Critical Mass, and Symbolic Exclusion in High School Cliques and other Groups
Kerstin Lueck and Hayley Steffen
Section 2: The State of Public Education in California (Voices from the Symposium)
Hedgehogs and Foxes at the Crossroads: Leadership and Diversity at the University of California
Cristina González
From Reagan to Obama: Institutions, Relationships, and the Shrinking State
Bruce Fuller
Section 3: A Call for Action (Discussion)
Living in the Gutter: Conflict and Contradiction in the Neoliberal Classroom
Rick Ayers and Bill Ayers
From the Life in the Gutter to a Pedagogy of Freedom: The Importance of Learning from Young Peopleo
Gretchen Brion-Meisels
Volume 1 | Issue 1 | 2010
Editors’ Introduction
Editors of the BRE
The Postcolonial Ghetto: Seeing Her Shape and His Hand
La Paperson
Teacher Education for Social Justice: What’s Pupil Learning Got to Do With It?
Marilyn Cochran-Smith, Ann Marie Gleeson, Kara Mitchell
Race, Class, and Whiteness in Gifted and Talented Identification: A Case Study
Kathleen Barlow, Elaine Dunbar
Neighborhood Ethnic Density as an Explanation for the Academic Achievement of Ethnic Minority Youth Placed in Neighborhood Disadvantage
Na’im Madyun, Moosung Lee