The Berkeley Review of Education (BRE), an open-access, peer-reviewed journal, is published biannually online and edited by students from Berkeley School of Education at the University of California, Berkeley.

We are currently accepting submissions on a rolling basis for articles to be published for our fall/winter and spring/summer issues. For more information about the BRE or to view past issues of the journal, please visit


Call for Papers

The Berkeley Review of Education (BRE) encourages senior and emerging scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers to submit articles that address issues of educational diversity and equity from various intra/interdisciplinary perspectives. The editorial board especially welcomes submission of manuscripts that engage with one or more of our Board Priorities:

Pressing Issues. The BRE seeks to publish papers that address compelling issues impacting schools, educational systems, and other learning environments.

Critical Scholarship. The BRE welcomes a broad range “critical” scholarship, particularly work that analyzes, evaluates, and problematizes power and dominant structures, and helps us to imagine something new.

Pushing Borders & Boundaries. The BRE seeks to promote scholarship that re-conceptualizes and transcends academic identities, labels and categories. We encourage work from all disciplines, as well as interdisciplinary work that builds towards new understandings of educational processes and practices.

Forging Communities. The BRE seeks to foster new and existing relationships within and beyond the academy. As an open-access journal, we aim to democratize knowledge and encourage work that originates from and speaks to a wide range of scholars, practitioners, activists and educators.


Submission Guidelines

Authors retain the copyright to the articles they publish in the journal. The BRE does not publish material that has been previously published and does not accept papers that have been simultaneously submitted elsewhere for publication (see BRE Policies).

We encourage the submission of a wide range of manuscripts including but not limited to theoretical or historical analyses, empirical studies, scholarly essays, analytical literature reviews, and practitioner reflections.

Please note that the BRE uses a blind review process; therefore, writers must exclude authors’ names, institutions, and clues to the authors’ identities that exist within the manuscript.

Manuscript Criteria. The fitness of a manuscript for publication in the BRE is carefully reviewed based on each of the dimensions listed below.

  1. Significance/relevance 
  2. Conceptual framework (connections to relevant constructs in literature)
  3. Methods (if manuscript is an empirical study)
    1. Appropriateness to questions
    2. Adequate description of methods (including data collection and analysis)
    3. Rigor of methods
  4. Findings/conclusions are literature or data-based
  5. Overall contribution to the field
  6. Writing style/composition/clarity


Formatting. The acceptable format for electronic submission is Microsoft Word. All text, including title, headings, references, quotations, figure captions, and tables, must be typed, double spaced, with one-inch margins all around. Please use a 12-point font. Submit manuscripts as a single Word file with a brief abstract and a list of up to five keywords. Articles that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to authors.

Length. The page limit is 30 pages, not including references, tables, and figures. Submissions exceeding this limit will not be accepted for review. Authors should keep tables and figures to a minimum and include them at the end of the text.

Style. For writing and editorial style, authors must follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition, 2019). Authors should number all text pages.

Process. We typically undergo two rounds of editing: one substantive and one minor. This is followed by copyediting and development of the final proof of the manuscript. Time of acceptance to time of publication is typically six months.

To Submit. If you would like to submit a manuscript, please review our How to Submit guide and then go to to create a profile on our management platform, eScholarship. This will allow you to formally submit your paper. The first step of our review process is an internal review, which takes approximately 4–6 weeks.

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